Friday, October 3, 2008

Field Trip - Why I Go

Every time field trip days are planned, I am among the first to respond.  I almost feel that the children can't go without me.  Each time, as the call goes out for chaperones, I ask my kids if they want me to go.  They always do.  And, if they want me there, I am going to be there.  But, more than going for my kids, I get to meet other parents, talk to the teachers, and get a good picture of my child in and around school.  I feel that it is important that I know as much as I can about their school experience.  I feel that it makes me a better parent.  Yes, I am fortunate to be able to go.  I have no job to take off from.  I could also have kids who are embarrassed to have me around.  I am glad my kids want me there.  

1 comment:

friend S said...

We are so alike and so different. You know how some moms say, "I just can't be a stay at home mom"... Well, I'm just not a "field trip mom." I wish I were, because of all the beauty in what you wrote. But I know I'm not. I fear carrying around and being responsible for my group of school kids. I fear going to unfamiliar places with the pressure of getting to a certain place at a certain time when the kids in my car depend on it. I fear my kids (with autism) would not behave and I would have to gamble with the notion that I might be able to say something to calm them, but of course I might not be able to...

To you, I say, Go Rosegirl! Enjoy. As for me, I try to make the most of my chilren's childhood in other ways... Which has become more of an urgent desire of late... They are growing so fast...